

under control[]在..控制之下
under the circumstances[]在这种情况下,(情况)既然如此
under way[]在进行中,(船)在航行中
up and down[]来回,上上下下;前前后后;到处
up to[]直到;高到,达到;取决于
up to date[]现代化的;切合目前情况的
use up[]用完,用尽;精疲力竭
vice verse[]反过来也一样
vote down[]否决
vote for[]投票赞成
vote on[]就...表决
walks of life[]各行各业,各界
warm up[]加热;兴奋起来;变热
wash up[]洗餐具;洗手洗脸
watch out for[]当心,提防
wear off[]逐渐消逝
wear out[]用破,磨损;使精疲力竭
what about[]怎么样
what if[]如果...将会怎么样
wind up[]上发条;使紧张,兴奋;结束
with regard to[]关于
with respect to[]关于,至于
with the exception of[]除...之外
word for word[]逐字地
work at[]钻研;从事于,致力于
work out[]解决;想出,制定出
would rather...than[]宁愿…也不
write off[]取消,注销;勾销